Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Happy New Year!! Haha!! I know.. A month and 11 days too late.. but this is my 1st post in 2015 so, kasi can la :P

Lamanya tidak blogging.. Biasa la.. same old excuses.. so little time so much to do haha..  Suddenly today I remembered my blog jadi mengarang la dulu sekejap.. So here are the updates :

1. Little AH
My sweet little bundle of joy is now 3 years old! Can you believe it? Cepat betul masa berlalu.. Little AH is a bright and happy toddler. Very curious about everything.. Sabar seja la kalau dia sudah start betanya "apa tu Mommy?" lepas apa "kenapa?" hahaha.. He's fav things changes constantly.. Sebelum ini semua Upin Ipin, lepas tu Power Rangers, Ultraman, Dolphins, Captain America, Spiderman, Ironman, Pocoyo, Dibo, Pororo.. Tukar - tukar ni semua ikut turn haha.. Currently he's very obssessed with ultraman again.  I never realised there is more than one ultraman.. Apparently there's ultraman zero, ultraman mebius, ultraman ginga, ultraman chacha and ada lagi a few more I can't remember..  Anyways, little AH ada 2 bestfriends in his school.. AN and AB.. They're like these cute three stooges.. Always together.. Comel btul tinguk dorang sama - sama..

2. New Niece
Last year i got 2 new nieces :) One from my sister and the other from my SIL.. Baby R & Baby HM are just a few weeks apart.  Both sooooo cute.. Siok ba ada baby girl.. Siok ada baby. Period! hahaha..

3. Job
Ok, so last year ada this program by J**N that is open for all of us yg ada degree to be promoted to gred 41.  Ada 5 stages and you have to pass every stage.  the first stage was an online exam.. 15 of us from the Jabatan applied along with 280 others dari jabatan lain.  Soalan dia adeh.. 20 pengetahuan umum, 20 pengiraan, 20 logic, 20 questions based on comprehension..  You have to answer all 80 question in 1 hour.  Memang challenging la, tepaksa mo smart :D  Daripada 15 tu 8 of us passed to the next stage.  The next stage was essei.. Stage ni pun susah gila.. Kena buat 2 essei berdasarkan pengetahuan am.. One in malay and the onther in english. You reaaally have to know facts kalau mo jawab soalan.. Hahaha.. Almost everybody targeted ada soalan pasal GST.. Tau la GST kan hot skrg sekalinya teda habuk pun kluar GST.. kikiki.. Luckily I passed!! Time tunggu result tu memang ndak mengharap sebenarnya sebab macam ndak confident..  so out of 8 from the Jabatan, tinggal 6 yang moved on to the 3rd stage.  3rd stage was psyco test.. All 6 of us passed (phew! :P nasib la kalau ndak ada yg kn ckp mental pulak hahaha).  4th stage was the assessment.. This was the hardest test for me cause I have to go to Keningau and leave little AH for the 1st time.. The assessment started with physical test.. Kami kena suru naik Bukit Padang! The last time went up there was 20 years ago and I was 15 years old.. Aiyooo.. many many times I almost gave up.. Macam mo pitam ba rasa.. Good thing ada my friend JR kasi semangat kalau rasa mo give up (Datuk N coincidently stopping at my back a few times helps too.. hahaha.. Malu ba kalau dia tau I gave up :P) Dalam assessment tu tepaksa buat presentation.. One of MY BIGGEST FEAR IS PUBLIC SPEAKING.. huhu.. TIme presentation tu malar la rasa mo muntah, sakit perut semua la.. Alhamdulillah I passed that stage and came to the final stage which is the interview.. Interview went well I guess and so now.. We're all just squirming.. hahaha.. Menunggu jawapan dapat ka tidak.. Macam menunggu buah yang tidak gugur..

4. London
Little AH and I went to London to visit my brother.  I'll blog about it later la.. Mo ready gambar dulu :D

So itu seja la update buat masa ni.. Oh doakan la i get that promotion k? :D

Take care peeps

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