Thursday, January 5, 2017


2017 is here!

Here is my 2017 so far.. New year celebration was awesome! We were all in bed by 9pm.. Blissfully sleeping and dreaming hahahaha.. Tua sudah tiada excited ok celebrate new year.. Tidur lagi sedap hahaha..

This year marks the 10the year of my service in the Jabatan. 10 years bebehh.. Why am I so excited? Because cuti bertambah 5 hari.. Haha.. Only those yang selalu kehabisan cuti (like moi obviously) akan memahami betapa berharganya 5 hari yang extra itu :D

Another thing, this year my boy turns 5 years old.  You read it right.. 5 tahun.. Begitu cepat masa berlalu.. My boy is not a baby anymore.. Remember my post about school dilema before? I have enrolled him to a chinese kindy.  My anak is so brave.  Sikit pun tidak nangis aa.. Mommy yang nangis on the first day.  T_T Macam tidak percaya he is almost 5 years old.    Dia tidak nangis tu makes me cried even more haha.. Over kan?  Yesterday I just drop him off infront of the entrance dia jalan sendiri pigi class.  Today, when I wanted to send him to class.. Dia buli - buli cakap tak payah la.. He knows the way -_- siap pesan suru ambil jam 1 lagi ok. I am very proud but at the same time mcm sedikit sedih.. He is so independent tidak lama lagi apa pun tidak mau sudah sama Mommy barangkali (yeahh I know I'm a super clingy mommy).

Bah.. Thats all for now.. till later..


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