Wednesday, April 20, 2016


So we have a problem when time comes to DS having a haircut.  I thought we've been over the problem last year when DH's friend gave him a haircut.  He was very cooperative that time and another time after that.  Now it seems that we're back to square one because he just refused to get his hair cut.  Kalau potong pun dia mau potong sikit ja di tepi and rambut depan so that his hairs wont pick on his eyes. Sebelum potong rambut recently, I started tying his hair and it annoyed him so much he agreed to have a haircut, again with the condition, only a little bit at the sides and rambut depan ja.  Sekang ni tidak jalan sudah that trick cause he'll run away every time me saw me picking up a hair tie so no luck with that trick la..

Jadi yesterday I asked him to pick a hair style on his own supaya senang next time mo potong rambut.

Currently his hairstyle is more like this.. but still a little bit shorter on the sides..

Style ni nampak kemas but.. Dont think I'm ready to put on hair product on DS hair just yet.  Plenty of time for that later when he's older.

But then again since every style i showed him kena jawab "bida' " maybe I should just let his hair grow hoping it'll turn out like this :D This is cute right?

One thing for sure, he definitely dont want to look like this hahahahahhahahahahahahahah
He cried and cried and cried when I said I'll ask daddy to bring him to the barber and cut his hair like this.. hahaha.. "kenapa ba bgitu rambut dia mommy? Ameen tidak mau.. Bidaakkk betul" *cried* hahaha.. Ada sudah bahan ugutan baru :P Just kidding

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