Saturday, February 4, 2012

Birth - part 2

Guess its about time I continued the post eh? hehee..

9.00 am
Still feeling no contraction or pain whatsoever.. Aunty G arrived and then Aunty F arrived.  A few minutes later the Dr F came by and explain the situation to us. According to Dr F, the baby have to be born within 24 hours time frame because my water bag broke.  So, I have 2 options, option 1, we can start with C-sect right away or 2, I'd have to be induced.  Baby tepaksa keluar within 24 hours untuk mengelakkan jangkitan kuman.  Before  we made tAs I've mentioned before, I wanted natural birth so we opted for ihe decision, Dr F wanted to check bukaan.  I was a bit reluctant sebab teringat betapa sakitnya nurse tu cek time sampai tadi.. Huhu.. Dr F assured me she'll be gentle.  After she checked, belum ada bukaan pun.  So we decided to try inducing the baby out.  Around 10 am, Aunty W, biras and SIL3 datang..  At this point there's about 7 person in the room with me mo bagi semangat. I'm so blessed!

10.30 am
Drip kena pasang. Proses inducing bermula.. After 2 minutes, the nurse asked if i felt anything and I said none.  Nurse tu pegang perut aku and said, "you're actually having a contraction now, tapi maybe you didn't notice". And then, after a few minutes, dia cakap lagi, "you're having another contraction now", and still I don't feel anything.  Masa nurse tu cakap gitu, dalam hati I was like "itu jak contraction? teda rasa apa - apa pun.. Langsung ndak sakit.. Ok la kalau gini ni.." but boy was I wrong!

10.43 am
I'm starting to feel the contraction.  At first it was tolerable but then it got stronger and that is another story!

11.00 am
The pain was so so much stronger, tapi masi boleh lagi senyum and menyampuk - nyampuk aunty - aunty bebual.

11.10 am
Sangat sakit sudah.. Ndak boleh sudah menyampuk.. huhu

12.00 pm
Pain getting unbearable.. Dr F came Aunty G her to check if there's any opening. Again I was hesitant.. Tapi lepas kena pujuk cakap we'll not know how's the progress if ndak kena check I let her check.  2cm opening.  Dr F was hopefull tapi she said I better prepare myself for C-sect just incase.  We decided then to make 3pm as our dateline.  Kalau by 3pm there's still no positive progress then tepaksa lah bedah.  Seriously, all those stories I heard about the pain memang tidak dapat menggambarkan exactly how painful sakit contaction ni.. huhu.. and people said induced contraction is so much worst so I'm experincing that! Dalam kesakitan tu, teringat Mama.. How I wished she was there with me.. How I miss her, how I miss both of them at that moment.. (Al - Fatihah)  Betapa besarnya pengorbanan seorang ibu..

3.00 pm
Pain was excruciating.  One of the nurse datang cek bukaan and it was only 3cm! Kecewa.. but at this point, I was in so much pain memang fikir mau mintak potong sudah.  The nurse took me to the labour room. 

to be continued.. again..