Monday, August 22, 2011

5 months

well.. almost anyway..
Mudah - mudahan semuanya berjalan lancar dan dipermudahkan olehNya.. Amin...
Moving on to other topic.. Its almost RAYA!! can't wait to balik kampung and enjoy all those yummy food (hopefully my appetite will be super duper good by then so that I won't muntah again..)

till then peeps..
take care!

from the heavier but happier @dr3h :)


  1. herda!!!
    so happy for you.. enjoy the best trimester, 2nd trimester.. take care..

  2. Lan : ndak tau.. hehe.. dr ckp nampak sdh tp last minute ndak jd aku suru kestau :P nanti la next scan kalau ndak kuat iman aku tanya.. hahahaha

    Faizah : thanks peejah :D kisses to your darling boy..

  3. ih..kiutnya..ada bubble lg dr mulutnya..hihihi
