Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Operator oh operator

At my office, only a few people yang dapat direct line yang boleh call out.. Usually orang baru mcm I ni memang la will not get that particular line sebab semua sdh kena amik oleh the seniors.. So, in order to make official calls (kalau non official tu pakai hp la kan :D ), I have to call our one and only operator, she'll make the call and pass the call to me.. Tapi operator kami ni ada lain siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikitttt.. Selalu jak cakap dia sibuk.. Ntah apa yang disibukkannya.. pdhal selalu kalau aku lalu nampak macam browse resipi sama baca news jak kerjanya.. 

Scene 1

Me : Kak, tolong call number ni.. 233xxx
Operator : Ok.. Brapa numbernya?
Me : 233xxx
Operator : Eh.. kejap aku cari pen dulu..
(after few seconds)
Operator : ok.. brapa numbernya tu?
Me : 233xxx
Operator : 322..
Me : Bukan 322.. kak.. 233xxx
Operator : Oo.. ok..

Scene 2
Me : Kak.. tolong callkan number ni..
Operator : OK..brapa numbernya?
Me : 423xxx
Operator : Ok..
(letak fon.. and wait for the call to be connected..)
(15 minutes later..)
Me : Kak.. mana sudah call yang aku minta tadi?
Operator : alamak.. lupa! Sorry.. sibuk aku..

Scene 3
Me calling and calling and calling the kakak operator on Friday 11.00am and there is no one answering.. *sigh*

Sotkan operator tempat kami ni?


  1. da,kalau kerja d off ku tuh lama suda ku buang dia kerja....sib baik tuh bukan urgent call...ish..aku pantang org bikin kerja begitu ba hihihi

  2. ya bah rina.. bukan aku jak 1 org yg kena.. ko tau ada satu aku punya kawan ofis dia siap ckp "ko jgn dl telefon skrg!" hehehehe.. terkedu ba org dengar..

  3. ish over nya...oh well, mostly operator ada that similar symtm ba!d off ku dulu, kerjanya tgk cermin make up & make up all d way!!!ndak jugak cantik ku tgk. So cruel!!!hihihi

  4. oh dear...i ALWAYS hv problem dgn operator tu..all the three scene ko ckp tu..memang slalu sgt mencabar kesabaran kannn...

    apa2 pun...hope u have an amazing year....i know u will..... ;-)
